In-House Teacher Training (TT) Course at Belarusian State University (BSU)
08 Feb 2019
Internal Teacher Training Courses
Within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project in February-March, 2019 a Teacher Training (TT) Course aimed at retraining teaching staff members is programmed to be held at Belarusian State University (BSU).
The BSU trainers of the TT Course who took part in the ToT (Training of Teachers) courses at 5 EU Project partner universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidade do Porto, Linköpings Universitet, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH) have prepared training courses on teaching and learning in innovative methods for BSU teaching staff members and have planned to share with them all the experience they have previously gained during the abovementioned ToT courses.
The TT courses are going to be delivered by the 15 ToT courses participants from TeSaU. It is envisaged that up to 150 BSU teaching staff members will pass the course.
During the course BSU lecturers are going to be trained in a number of fields related to innovative technology-enhanced teaching and learning.
TT Course #15 “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning"
Trainer: Senior Teacher Oksana Tozik (BSU Philological Faculty, English Linguistics Chair)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of BSU participated in the TT Course “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning” (April 1-5).
In total 23 participants from the Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Law, Faculty of International Relations, Educational and methodical laboratory of innovations in education, National Institute for Higher Education attended the training seminars.
During training week participants had the opportunity to learn such an innovative approach as Blended learning, as well as developed their skills in use of LMS Moodle and other online tools in class and outside class.
In addition, the attendees improved their skills in computer technologies and application of computers for teaching and learning.
Training started with the presentation of the concept of PRINTeL project. Oksana Tozik gave a short overview of the project methodology and expected outcomes for the BSU academic community.
Trainees were working in the computer lab and learning how to use and implement IT into traditional teaching and learning practices at their home faculties.
The brainstorming session aimed at generating ideas on blended learning was followed by the work in Moodle in order to learn its opportunities, services and functionality. The seminar was aimed at the incorporation of Moodle-based technologies into the classroom by developing online-Portfolios to support students’ reflection processes.
All the participants were awarded with PRINTeL certificates.
For videos of the TT course, please, refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rspJ9IJAHs4&list=PLuK1Dqu4Ra0KFPUspHVeLFJlWThooXg7H&index=3
TT Course #14 “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning”
Trainer: Associate Professor Vasily Grinev (BSU Faculty of Biology)
In accordance with the planned activities of the Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning”. This course was held at the Faculty of Biology for one week, April 1-5, 2019. In total, 19 participants attended the training seminars. These participants represent seven departments of the Faculty of Biology (Department of Biochemistry, Department of Cell Biology and Bioengineering of Plants, Department of General Ecology and Teaching Methodology in Biology, Department of Genetics, Department of Human and Animal Physiology, Department of Molecular Biology, Department of Zoology), two departments of the International Sakharov Environmental Institute of BSU (Department of Immunology and Ecological Epidemiology, Educational and Methodical Laboratory of Environmental Education), Department of General and Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Department of English for Humanities Faculties and four departments from the Republican Institute of Higher Education of BSU (Department of Educational Systems Design, Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Department of Modern Life Sciences, Department of Psychology and Pedagogical Skills).
The training week covered all main topics of blended learning: from basics of blended approach in teaching and learning to e-portfolio process. Each seminar included lecture presentation, tutorial, practical tasks for participants, reflections and group discussions.
Participants presented and discussed their own vision concerning the advantages and disadvantages of blended teaching and learning.
Vasily Grinev presented the peculiarities of usage of video lectures in blended learning and used his own original video lecture as an example.
Trainees worked in small groups and developed e-tivities for their own university’s educational courses.
During the TT Course the functionality, features, advantages and disadvantages of the Moodle platform in blended learning were discussed with particular attention.
At the end of the TT course all the participants who attended full program of seminar were awarded with Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #13 “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching”
Trainer: Senior Lecturer Natalya Sayanova (BSU Faculty of Journalism)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of BSU participated in the TT Course “Hybrid/Blended Learning and Teaching” (April 1-5, 2019).
22 participants from the Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Pre-university Education, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Republican Institute of Higher Education, Economic Faculty, Department of Physical Education and Sport, School of Business of BSU, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science attended the training seminars.
During the training week participants got acquainted with technologies and methods of hybrid/blended teaching and learning, such as Moodle platform, E-portfolios, online open courses and online tools for creating a content of the disciplines, project oriented activity. Reflection as part of blended learning was also used during the seminars.
During the training such an element of innovative learning as Mooc platform was introduced to the trainees as concept of supplementary information for self-education. The TT course participants learnt about new forms of communication with students via online Learning Management System Moodle and got experience in elaborating E-portfolio which is an example of learning, scientific and professional mobility.
Trainees presented their homework projects with respect to the resources of blended teaching which can be applied during their teaching courses
The participants who attended full program of trainings have been awarded with Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #12 “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification”
Trainer: Associate Prof. Tatiana Pavlova (BSU Faculty of International relations, Chair of International Law, Associate Professor)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on " Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification" (March 25-29).
In total 22 participants from the different faculties (international relations, economics, mechanics and mathematics, geography, history, economic Informatics, physical education and sports and etc.) attended the trainings.
During the training the participants took part in a number of theoretical and practical classes on active learning methods: m-learning and gamification strategy. All the participants have mastered a number of methods of active use of mobile apps in different types of classes.
Tatiana Pavlova presented how active teaching methods would allow a teacher to deeply include the student audience in the learning process: the difference between involve and engage.
In the course of the training courses the participants learnt how to exploit such apps as Kahoot, Socrative App., Mentimeter, Canva Inforgraphics, etc.
Tatiana Pavlova put emphasis on the cascade theory of the flow of information that is a part of the strategy of gamification.
During the training the following issues were also discussed: gamification strategies and techniques, the elements of gamification used in the educational process, as well as M-learning tools in teaching process.
The trainees presented their final projects with gamification intervention and m-learning components.
All participants who attended the full program of the trainings and prepared presentations and implementation of the gamification strategy and mobile tools in the process of their own educational courses were awarded with the Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course # 11 “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom”
Trainer: Head of the Department Sviatlana Kharytonava (BSU Faculty of Journalism, Department of “Periodical Press & Web-Journalism”)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom” (March 25-29).
In total 32 participants from the Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Law, College of law, Faculty of Humanities, National Institute for Higher Education, Institution of Sakharov attended the training seminars.
During training week participants got acquainted with a specific expertise in designing inside class activities and preparing outside class material. Additionally, teacher trained to use tools for interaction inside class, and tools for preparing multimedia presentations.
Training participants got acquainted with the concept of “active learning” and learnt how to plan for group-based problem-solving sessions, tried to apply different tools like backchannels and response systems for interactive collaboration by using their own smartphones.
The TT course participants received handouts (methods of active learning of different levels of complexity and assignments) for self-reflection and further work in groups.
The trainees presented their multimedia lectures and projects in Designing a flipped classroom course.
At the end of the training course all the participants received the Certificates of PRINTeL project.
For video, please refer to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o63yA3qQxYw&list=PLuK1Dqu4Ra0KFPUspHVeLFJlWThooXg7H&index=4
Teacher Training Course # 10 “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom”
Trainer: Methodist, Teacher, Trainer Karpiyevich Alena (BSU Laboratory of Educational Innovations)
22 participants from the Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Economy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Geography, Faculty of Chemistry, Laboratory of Innovation in Education, National Institute for Higher Education, Institution of Sakharov took part in the course “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom” (in frames of Erasmus + PRINTeL project, March 25-29).
Teacher Training (TT) Course was implemented in the strategy of active learning and was based on the LMS Moodle. It became possible because the training was organized in the computer class.
During the TT Course the trainees got introduced with the concept of Flipped Classroom. They discussed about the possibilities of using flipped classroom technology in BSU.
Such elements of innovative teaching and learning tools as Padlet and groupwork on the LMS Moodle were also elaborated during the training. By means of other tools, namely the Mentimeter, teachers were able to implement the method of self-reflection and see how it functions in the process of active learning.
During the courses the trainees discussed about the typical course lecture and homework elements and prepared presentations of their own projects.
Upon the successful completion of the TT Course the trainees carried out final evaluation and reflection concerning the training and received the Certificates of the PRINTeL Project.
To see the videos of the TT Course, please, refer to the following links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBHspZk57XY&list=PLuK1Dqu4Ra0KFPUspHVeLFJlWThooXg7H&index=3
TT Course #9 “Video as a Learning tool for teachers and students”
Trainer: Dean /Teacher Natalia Mantsurova (BSU Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining)
Teacher training course «Video as a Learning tool for teachers and students» was conducted for the academic teaching staff of the BSU within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project (March 18-22).
The group of 14 participants from Faculty of Economics, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Law, Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty, Faculty of Geography, English Department of Humanitarian Faculties and representatives from Law College of the Belarusian State University and National Institute of Higher Education of the Belarusian State University took part in the training seminars.
During training week participants got acquainted with Innovative technologies in teaching and learning, types of video, the process of creating video.
Natalia Mantsurova presented practical examples of using video in teaching process and gave some Tips & Tricks about video capturing. Trainees discussed how digital resources can support teaching process and learnt about software tools for creating video.
Trainees presented their assignments - short videos, identifying advantages and disadvantages of using video in teaching and learning, sharing opinions about challenges during video-making.
The participants who attended all the seminars received the Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #8 “Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students”
Trainer: Associate Professor Olga Kulieva (BSU Faculty of Philology)
A Teacher Training (TT) course “Video As a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students” within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTEL project was held by Olga Kulieva at Belarusian State University from the 18th to 22nd of March, 2019.
Various ways of using video effectively in the educational process were presented during the workshop. Trainees had the opportunity to approach several teaching strategies that align pedagogical aims, learning outcomes with video inside and outside the classroom. The participants reflected upon and discussed the role, different implications and challenges of using video in teaching and learning, difficulties in changing mathods and impact of video teaching on the role of the lecturer. The participants were introduced with such software tools as Panopto, Screen-Cast-O-Matic, Quicktime, Inshot, Movavi Editor, etc. Also the concepts of blended learning and flipped classroom as well as tips & tricks about video capturing were presented by the trainer.
In the end the participants created their own video learning materials with the help of the software tools presented, discussed the pros and cons of using video in the educational process.
TT Course #7 “Video as a Learning tool for teachers and students”
Trainer: Associate Prof. Alesia Kuzminava (BSU Faculty of Journalism, head of TV and radio department, associate professor)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on "Video as learning tool for teachers and students" (March 18-22).
In total 15 participants from the Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of History, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Physical education and sport, Faculty of Philology, International Sakharov Environmental Institute attended the training seminars.
During training week participants discussed the role, implications and challenges of using video in teaching and learning and got some tools that will contribute for the enhancement of their teaching practices.
Alesia Kuzminava during studies in TV classroom (very basic, usually used for teaching young TV journalists) showed the example of her own educational videos. The trainer presented the goals of videoproduction and different types of video for educational matters.
The TT course participants worked on their scenarios and then practiced them in TV classroom.
On the last day the trainees presented their own educational videos that were assigned to them as hometasks.
All participants who attended full program of trainings have been awarded with Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #6 “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification”
Trainer: Associate Professor Victar Kochyn (BSU Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, Department of Telecommunications and Information Technologies)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of BSU participated in the TT Course on " Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification" (March 11-15).
In total 13 participants from the Faculty of Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies participated in the seminar.
During the trainings teachers have acquired basic skills in the field of mobile learning (so-called M-learning) and gamification approaches to be used in their teaching practices.
The course trainer, Victar Kochyn, introduced participants with the aims of the trainings, described the topics to be covered during the seminars. He also presented expected learning outcomes to be acquired by participants upon the completion of training sessions. A list of recommended literature as well as respective tools & resources for trainees have been presented in the first training session by Viktar Kochyn.
Trainees received 5 Individual assignments focused on such issues as: designing learning experience and tasks by using active learning approach, preparation of the map of digital resources and instruments to support learning, design of gamified learning experience, developing the gamified learning experience by using Kahoot and Socrative apps, application of M-learning techniques and tools in their educational activity.
In the course of the training session on Innovation and trends (in ICT) in higher education the participants learnt different methodologies related to active T&L methods supported by gamification strategies and techniques.
Participants presented their vision on strengths and weaknesses of gamification techniques and m-learning tools application in educational process at the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies taking in consideration the nature of the learning objects.
Upon the completion of trainings participants have been awarded with Certificate of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #5 “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification”
Trainer: Senior Lecturer Likiya Yanitskaya (BSU Faculty of Journalism, Department of Communication Technologies)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on "Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification" (March 11-15).
In total 21 participants from the Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Faculty of International Relations, Faculty of Geography, Faculty of Law, Educational –Methodological Laboratory of Innovations in Education, as well as from institutions outside BSU, such as National Institute of Education, National Institute for Higher Education, attended the training seminars.
During the training week participants got acquainted with ICT-enhanced methodologies of active learning including gamification and mobile-learning.
The TT Course was delivered by Senior Lecturer Likiya Yanitskaya.
Practical work in computer laboratory was completed to enable trainees to learn digital resources which can support students’ learning and assessment.
Trainees learnt about possibilities of application of different tools and technologies of gamification in learning and teaching process.
All those participants who attended full program of trainings were awarded with Certificates of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #4 “Active Learning and ICT-Enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification”
Trainer: Associate Professor Hanna Zhukava (BSU Biology Faculty)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on " Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification" (March 11-15).
In total 15 participants from the Faculty of Biology attended trainings.
During the training week participants learned different methodologies related to active learning supported by gamification strategies and techniques.
The TT Course was delivered by Hanna Zhukava.
During the TT Course the opportunities and limits of using gamification techniques and m-learning tools in teaching and learning activities were discussed.
The final projects on development of lesson were presented with the help of gamification and m-learning components.
All participants who attended full program of trainings were with Certificates of PRINTeL project.
TT Course #3 "Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning"
Trainer: Associate Prof. Natalia Yablonskaya, PhD in Mathematics (BSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics)
The TT Course “Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning” was conducted from March 11th to March 15th 2019 at the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty.
13 participants representing different faculties of BSU, namely the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Geography, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Pre-University Education and Republican Institute of Higher Education attended training courses. The purpose of this teacher training course was to provide lecturers with knowledge about the concept of active learning, its advantages and effective implementation of its methods, focusing on enhanced collaborative learning activities.
Associate Prof. Natalia Yablonskaya delivered lectures and explained the concept of active learning.
During the group work special attention was paid to the study of various methods of active learning and the practical application of them in the educational process.
Methods of active learning were directly implemented in the learning process of the course. Another key issue was the application of the TPACK and ADDIE model to effectively design the educational process and Blooms Taxonomy to develop different levels of learning tasks.
Brain storming exercise was aimed at identifying Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and analyzing the bjectives learning environment Learning Objectives.
At the end of the course participants presented their own projects.
TT Course #2 "Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning"
Trainer: Associate Prof. Aliaksandra Kondral, PhD in History (BSU Faculty of Histroy)
A 5-day TT course took place at the Faculty of History of Belarusian State University (11-15 March, 2019).
14 participants from the Faculty of History, the Law college of the BSU and Republican Institute of Higher Education of the BSU took part in the seminar dedicated to the application of Active Learning Methods.
The lecturers were provided with knowledge about the concept of active learning, its advantages and effective implementation of its methods, focusing on enhanced collaborative learning activities.
The participants of the course were assigned to complete practical exercises based on knowledge that had been acquired during the training so that they could apply the methods of Active Learning in educational process. In accordance with the needs of the target audience special attention was given to the application of Active learning concept in the process of teaching humanities.
At the end of the course the listeners prepared their own projects.
TT Course #1 “Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning”
Trainer: Associate Prof. Konstantin Mulyarchik (BSU Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies, Department of Telecommunications and Information Technologies)
Within the framework of the Erasmus + PRINTeL project, the representatives of the academic teaching staff of the BSU participated in the TT Course on " Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning" (March 4-9).
In total 14 participants from the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies attended trainings.
During the training week participants learned different methodologies related to active learning supported by gamification strategies and techniques.
Konstantin Mulyarchik run training and explained gamification methods to be used in teaching process at the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies attended trainings.
The trainings were finalized with evaluation survey and discussion. All participants who attended full program of trainings were awarded with the Certificates of PRINTeL project.
TT Course Timetables
TT Course Syllabi

04-09 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

25-29 March 2019

25-29 March 2019

25 March - 01 April 2019

01-05 April 2019

11-15 March 2019

01-05 April 2019

01-05 April 2019
Evaluation Feedbacks

04-09 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

11-15 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

18-22 March 2019

25-29 March 2019

25-29 March 2019

25 March - 01 April 2019

01-05 April 2019

01-05 April 2019

01-05 April 2019