Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning

to Enhance Student Learning Experience

in Eastern Partnership Countries

Deliverables for Work Package-4

WP.4 (DISS): Raising Awareness on Innovative Teaching & Learning (T&L)

Activity 4.4.9. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_YKSUG

Activity 4.4.8. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_BrSTU

Activity 4.4.7. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_BSU

Activity 4.4.6. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_TeSaU

Activity 4.4.5. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_GTU

Activity 4.4.4. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_ISU

Activity 4.4.3. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_VSU

Activity 4.4.2. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_NPUA

Activity 4.4.1. Incentives & Awards for Innovative T&L_YSU

Activity 4.1. VATL Communities of Teaching Practice

Activity 4.2. VATL Forum on Innovative T&L

The first Annual Forum on Innovative Teaching and Learning of VATL/PRINTeL was held on the 20th of May, 2021. The details of the forum are available through the following link: 

Activity 4.3. VATL Social Networking Services

PRINTeL/VATL social networking services are available on PRINTeL Facebook page and PRINTeL YouTube channel


For additional information on VATL social networking services refer to the folder "Activity 4.1. VATL Communities of Teaching Practice" above.