Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning

to Enhance Student Learning Experience

in Eastern Partnership Countries

Deliverables for Work Package-1

WP.1 (PRP): Strengthening Teaching Staff Development Centres (TSDC)

Activity 1.1. TSDC Best Practice Reports

Activity 1.2. Needs Analysis Reports

Activity 1.3. TSDC Operational Plans

Activity 1.4. Capacity Building of TSDCs Staff

For the results of this activity please refer to

Activity 1.5. Capacity Building of TSDCs Trainers

Activity 1.6. Technology-Enhanced Active Learning Classrooms

18 technology-enhanced Active Learning Classrooms (ALC)  equipped with modern audio-video and ITC equipment procured from the Project funds have been established in 9 PC partner universities. More detailed information about the 18 ALCs can be found in the PRINTeL e-Newsletter No. 6 (p. 2-11).