WP.1: Strengthening TSDC
Strengthening Teaching Staff Development Centres (TSDCs) in PC HEIs
NPUA will take a lead for overall implementation and reporting for WP.1, which foresees revision of functions of TSDCs, capacity building of staff and trainers, modernization of infrastructure, adoption of innovative teacher training courses.
Task Force-1 (TF1) will be established to study good practices of TSDCs operation in European HEIs, their functions and peculiarities. It will be followed by a study visit of 20 TF1 and PC HEIs decision makers to UB, resulting in Best Practice Report with recommendations for TSDCs modernization. Simultaneously, TF2 will be created to conduct a systematic survey for assessing the training needs of teaching staff and required facilities for TSDCs. TF2 will produce a Need Analysis Report. Based on the 2 reports the institutional work groups will elaborate Operational Plans for TSDCs, providing regulatory framework and description of TSDCs functions, and provisions for teaching staff development. The plans will be approved by Academic Councils of PC HEIs.
Capacity-building activities for 26 TSDC staff will be organized in U. PORTO: training on how to effectively run TSDC, and a workshop on elaboration of competence-based teacher training programmes. EU partners will develop training package and workshop materials and deliver the trainings. Drawing on the Reports and Operational plans EU partners will develop training packages for 5 training of trainers (TOT) courses: 3 - on innovative T&L designed for specific disciplines, and per 1 - on teaching with technology and academic leadership. HEIs will nominate 5 groups of teaching staff (100 in total) according to the predefined selection criteria to participate in the trainings hosted by EU partners. Post-event evaluations will be conducted to reveal the effects and areas for further improvement.
28 technology enhanced classrooms (TECs) will be established in TSDCs to support interactive teacher trainings and on-line content development.