Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning

to Enhance Student Learning Experience

in Eastern Partnership Countries

Deliverables for Work Package-3

WP.3 (DEV): Creating Virtual Academy of Teaching & Learning (VATL)

Activity 3.1. TOR for VATL Portal

Activity 3.2 ICT Solution for VATL Portal

You can access VATL portal via link: 

Activity 3.3. Multimedia Lecture Capture Studios

9 Multimedia Lecture Capture Studios (MLCS) equipped with modern audio-video and ITC equipment procured from the Project funds have been established in 9 PC partner universities. More detailed information about the 9 MLCSs can be found in the PRINTeL e-Newsletter No. 6 (p. 2-11).

Activity 3.4. Guidelines for OER Content Publishing

VATL Multimedia e-Guide can be found here

Activity 3.5. Training of Trainers on OERs

Click here to find out more about the trining of the trainer on OER.

Activity 3.6. Operationalization of the VATL

The following Open Educational Resources (OERs) are uploaded in the VAT portal ( open depository for the wider use by academic communities and students interested in innovative teaching and learning: