WP.6: Dissemination & Exploitation
Dissemination and Exploitation
As a lead partner for this WP BrSTU will take the responsibility for coordination, monitoring and reporting of dissemination and exploitation. All partners will be involved in dissemination activities. The project will use different ways to disseminate and publicise project activities and results to different target groups and stakeholders.
As an initial dissemination source an interactive project website (allowing to subscribe and receive notifications and news, download and upload information) will be created and maintained to provide thorough information to general public on all aspects of the project. It will be periodically updated as new events and results become available.
Next, the VATL portal will be crated informing academic community on its mission and vision, offered services, OER repository as well as functionalities and utilization. Staff and students of all EPC HEIs will have free access to VATL services and make use of its OERs. State of the art web technologies will secure interactivity of the portal by providing sophisticated online tools for building personal OER websites, creating e-portfolios for T&L and online courses. VATL will also provide social networking services to encourage collaboration and dialogue among its community members (VATL communities of T&L, discussion forum, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube channel).
Virtual presence of the project will be complemented by published materials to ensure easy and targeted spread of the information. Particularly, after the kick-off meeting 1,000 copies of the PRINTeL leaflet will be published and disseminated amongst PC HEIs academic communities and main stakeholders. Biannual electronic newsletters on the project news, events, achievements and success stories will be produced and made available on PRINTeL and VATL websites for wider academic communities in and outside of the consortium.
Three booklets on innovative, technology-enhanced, and research-based T&L methods and pedagogical approaches will be prepared and published in 3,000 copies, and disseminated amongst PC HEIs teachers and students. Besides, 1,000 published copies of VATL Manual will be disseminated to its potential users from PC HEIs. Next, Good Practice Teacher Handbook on innovative T&L practices, development of OERs and online courses will be produced and published in 1,500 copies for wider use by the PC HEIs teaching staff.
E-versions of the leaflet, booklets, VATL Manual, Teacher Handbook, as well as developed training materials will be translated in all languages of the partnership and made available in the PRINTeL and VATL websites for free downloading. To ensure directed coverage each consortium partner will provide e-mails of the staff concerned to whom all the above mentioned e-materials will be sent automatically. To reach certain academic communities outside the consortium hard copies of all the published materials will be provided to National Erasmus+ Offices in PCs.
2 workshops and 1 information seminar for 140 PC HEIs teachers and students will be organized in the PCs in order to transfer information and know-how, share lessons on innovative instructional technologies learned during the project.
YSU along with BSU and other partners will organize interim and final dissemination conferences in GE and AM to bring around 200 PC HEIs staff and students into a common discussion platform, present the results, lessons learned and raise awareness & interest towards the project. The proceedings and other information materials of the conferences will be published and made available in the websites to disseminate among main target groups (PC HEIs, HE decision-makers, student and employer organizations, and social partners).
Media coverage is another pillar for dissemination. 6 press conferences/releases and 3 interviews in mass media, articles in specialised press will be arranged to raise awareness of general public on the project and its results. Visibility of PRINTeL in the social media (Facebook, Twitter) will be insured.