ToT Course in Porto
25 Oct 2018
Five-day Teacher Training Course at the University of Porto (Portugal)
A Traning of Trainers course on Video as a Learning Tool for Teachers and Students//Video Lecturing and Promoting Interaction in the Classroom is going to take place on 12-16 November 2018 at the University of Porto (Portugal). Nineteen members of teaching staffs from the universities of Project partner countries (Armenia, Georgia and Belarus) will participate in the ToT course.
The main aim of the ToT course is to introduce the participating teachers to an innovative teaching and learning method of Video lecturing with the help of which the participants will be able to use video lecturing for teaching purposes and hence promote interaction in classroom.
The ToT courses at U.PORTO are organized to be delivered by experienced professionals in the field.
The scope of content-related topics to be discussed during the courses includes: course introduction, video capture and video production, the use of video in classroom, interactive classroom, individual projects and presentations.
Detailed information about ToT courses in Porto is available on: https://sites.google.com/g.uporto.pt/printel
Participants' Guide
ToT Course Materials
Attendance Lists





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