Adoption of Teacher Training Courses at Belarusian State University
20 Jul 2020
Within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project BSU teaching staff attended the Teacher Trianing courses organized by trained lecturers at BSU. Due to the courses the teaching staff members acquired new methods of and upgraded their knowledge in innovative teaching and learning.
Materials have been prepared and published in press and on the websites of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining and the Faculty of Journalism to disseminate the information about the introduction of active learning technologies in the educational process and to highlight the process of implementing the continuing education program.
Three articles have been prepared.
- «Yak zmyanyetsetsa adukatsyayna asyaroddze va unіversіtetse» [How is the educational environment at the University changing?] (newspaper «Unіversity». - No. 9 (2215) from 21 June, 2019).
- «Classical education + generation Z: new technologies in training» – online publication of the Ministry of information mediana.by (http://mediana.by/rubriki/ucheba/927-klassicheskoe-obrazovanie-pokolenie-z-novye-tekhnologii-v-obuchenii.html)
- «Novya technalogii mianiaut adykatsiu» [New technologies are changing education] (newspaper «Nastaunickaja «, 30 November, 2019).
The results of the program were covered regularly in social networks and on the website of the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining.
“The international project PRINTeL at BSU” presents the goal and the results of the project. The article presents the modules of the advanced training program for teachers of Belarusian State University, describes modern teaching methods and means used, as well as reflects the results of mastering the program by students – projects of academic programs redesign with the help of innovative educational technologies.
Each program module was accompanied by the publication of materials on the site. Publications on the implementation of the program “Innovative technologies of active learning” for BSU employees included descriptions of classes on such topics as the use of pedagogical design technologies, active learning, creation of educational videos, use of gamification technologies in the educational process, inverted and mixed learning, and others.
Natalia Mantsurova and Elena Karpievich presented the experience of BSU in the field of innovation development in teaching and learning (within the framework of the Erasmus+ PRINTeL project) during the National online seminar “Improving the quality and practice orientation of higher education: from the experience of Erasmus+ projects” (June 11, 2020). The following main results have been mentioned: the improvement of the material and technical base, and conduction of the advanced training programs “Innovative technologies of active learning”, “Use of LMS Moodle in the educational process”.
Refer below for the timetable of BSU TSDC regular teacher training courses.