ToT Course in Linköpings
21 Nov 2018
Five-day Teacher Training Course at the University of Linköpings (Sweden)
A Traning of Trainers course on Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom is going to take place on 3-7 December, 2018 at the University of Linköpings (Sweden). Eighteen members of teaching staffs from the universities of Project partner countries (Armenia, Georgia and Belarus) will participate in the ToT course.
The main aim of the ToT course is to introduce the participating teachers to an innovative teaching and learning method of Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom the main idea of which consists in the rearrangement of traditional inside and outside classroom activities in order to increase students interaction and the quality of learning.
The ToT courses at LiU are organized to be delivered by experienced professionals in the field.
The topics to be discussed during the courses are: introduction to the course, an active learning classroom, designing inside class activities, preparing outside class material and designing a flipped classroom course.
Detailed information about ToT courses in Linköpings is available on: https://insidan.liu.se/didacticum/kurser/printel?l=en
For LiU ToT Course programme/syllabus, please, refer to: https://old.liu.se/didacticum/printel/presentationer?l=en
Participants' Guide
For practical information on the city, transport, etc. please refer to: https://old.liu.se/didacticum/printel/praktisk-information?l=en
ToT Course Materials
LiU ToT course materials are available on: https://old.liu.se/didacticum/printel/presentationer?l=en
Attendance Lists





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