In-House Teacher Training (TT) Course at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (YKSUG)
07 Feb 2019
Internal Teacher Training Courses
In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project in February-March, 2019 an internal Teacher Training (TT) Course aimed at retraining teaching staff members is programmed to take place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (YKSUG).
The trainers of the TT Course from YKSUG who participated in the ToT (Training of Teachers) Courses at 5 EU Project partner universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidade do Porto, Linköpings Universitet, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH) have outlined trainings on teaching and learning in innovative methods for YSKUG teaching staff members and have programmed to share with them all the experience got after passing the abovementioned ToT courses.
The TT courses are going to be delivered by the 6 ToT courses participants from YKSUG and up to 60 YKSUG lecturers will pass the TT course.
During the course YKSUG teaching staff members are going to be trained in a number of fields related to innovative technology-enhanced teaching and learning.
TT Course #6 “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning”
Trainer: Head of department Iryna Korliukova (Faculty of Pre-University Training, department of Modern Technologies)
The fifth module of teacher staff development programme at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno was devoted to blended / hybrid learning. Iryna Korliukova, the training moderator, taught the participants how to organize group reflection by means of moderation. Iryna Korliukova shared her personal experience of organizing group work activity with the students of the faculty of mathematics and informatics and the students of the faculty of pre-university training.
The moderator also presented the ways to create on-line portfolios of students and teachers. The course participants actively discussed the contents of teacher’s portfolio and the possibilities of its application.
In the course of the training, Iryna Korliukova demonstrated the platforms for the organization of distance education – MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). YKSUG’s teaching staff members worked with on-line tools for project-based teaching (Trello platform).
TT Course # 5 “Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning”
Trainer: Associate Professor Andrei Pranevich (Faculty of Economics and Management, Department of Mathematical and Information Support of Economic Systems)
The training “Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning” took place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno. Andrei Pranevich, the training moderator, presented the principles and forms of active learning to the participants of the training and informed them about theoretical and practical best practices of the colleagues from Leuven (Belgium).
In the course of the training, the teachers developed the course elements with the application of active learning methods. The possibilities of using ICT in teaching process led to a heated discussions in which all course participants took part. The participants also shared their personal experience of using active teaching and learning methods in their pedagogical activity while teaching different courses.
TT Course #4 “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom”
Trainer: Associate Professor Kanstantin Smatrytsky (YKSUG Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Department of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics)
The technologies of active learning and the possibilities of their application in education were presented by the course moderator, Kanstantsin Smatrytsky, associate professor at the Department for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics. The participant tried the services that they have never used before, such as padlet.com, which is a web service used for simultaneous work with groups, and mentimeter.com, which is used for designing online questionnaires in real-time mode, and others.