Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning

to Enhance Student Learning Experience

in Eastern Partnership Countries

In-House Teacher Training (TT) Course at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU)

09 Feb 2019

Internal Teacher Training Courses

In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project in February-March, 2019 an internal Teacher Training (TT) Course aimed at retraining teaching staff members is programmed to be held at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU).

The TeSaU trainers of the TT Course who took part in the ToT (Training of Teachers) Courses at 5 EU Project partner universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidade do Porto, Linköpings Universitet, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH) have designed trainings on teaching and learning in innovative methods for TeSaU teaching staff members and have planned to share with them all the experience they gained after passing the abovementioned ToT courses. 

The TT courses are going to be delivered by the 6 ToT courses participants from TeSaU and up to 60 TeSaU lecturers will undergo the TT course.  

During the course TeSaU teaching staff members are going to be trained in a number of fields related to innovative technology-enhanced teaching and learning.




TT Course #6 “Active Learning: Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning”

Trainer: Assistant Professor, Nino Dzamukashvili (TeSaU Faculty of Humanities, Depart. of Foreign Languages and Literature)

“Active learning: Technolgy Enhanced Collaborative Learning”, 5-day-training course has been recently (March 22 and 25-28, 2019) attended by 30 lecturers from 8 different departments of 4 faculties (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law) at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.  The trainer was Ms. Nino Dzamukashvili who attended the training session with the same title in Leuven, Belgium at KU Leuven in November 2018.


The trainees were introduced to the innovative methodology of active learning, both on theoretical and practical levels. They were encouraged to apply TPACK, ADDIE and SMART models to practice while re-designing and re-thinking their existing courses. The participants were divided into groups conveniently according to their specialties thus illustrating the model of collaborative learning themselves.


The participants became familiar with a number of types of group work,  Knowledge Café, Jigsaw, Think-pair-Share, to name a few. The trainees especially liked Mentimeter, the online tool that was tested on the spot. They saw the multiple usage possibilities of the innovative tool in their practice.  All along the training course, the trainees weighed the pros and cons of technology enhanced collaborative learning. 

At the end of the TT course, all the participants presented their curricula, re-designed and modified with the newly acquired knowledge of active learning methodology and activities. Also, they found it quite a rewarding experience to present the product of their collaborative work- recording an extract of a well-known short story by a famous Georgian writer (assigned at random to each participant). Thus, by compiling the audio book the participants applied the active learning knowledge to teaching such a theoretical subject as history of literature.



TT Course #5 “Active Learning and ICT-Enhanced Teaching: M-Learning and Gamification”

Trainer: Associate Professor Maya Gonashvili (Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law, Department of Economics)

The TT Course “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching : M-learning and gamification” was delivered by Professor Maya Gonashvili at Telavi State University. The trainer attended the training session with the same title in the University of Barcelona, Spain, in December, 2018. Thus, the course was designed similarly to the training course conducted in the mentioned university. However, there was time limit, as the course had to be 10 hours in TESAU. The trainer decided to include more independent practice and homework in the training course.


34 participants attended the training sessions. The trainees of the TT Course were lecturers from different departments of 5 TeSaU Faculties (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Agrarian Sciences, Faculty of Education Sciences, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law).

The course included the following topics: Day 1 - active learning; Polling activities; Key aspects AL-Digital; Day 2 – Gmification-educational escape room; simple gamification; Putting some tools into practice: Mobile&Gamification Kahoot / Socrative; Day 3 – M-learning: fundamental concepts; Mobile apps; Instruction design for mobile learning (practice), making infografics video using screen recorder, Day 4 – info graphics using Canva , Day 5 – PechaKucha presentation.

The training was aimed at the innovative teaching methods. It was a discussion-based course including lectures and seminars, as well as individual and small group work. The course was very practical in nature putting participants in the role of learners so that later they could reflect on the teaching procedures.

The trainees were introduced to digital competence for educators and different tools for teaching and learning: Slido, Poll everywhere, canva, sograte, using QR codes for assignments, creating badges, gamification, making posters and spark video. They designed and preparated 3 activities: Pecha-Kucha presentation, info graphics using Canva, video presentation using spark video.


During the training, participants designed individual teaching intervention based on m-learning and gamification. By means of using Moodle, learning an training materials and individual pages were prepared for each participant. ( ).

During the 5 days, The participants realized the activities outlined within the TT course, designed an individual teaching intervention based on m-learning and/or gamification in collaboration with their peers learning in practice: they developed and/or improved skills using Mobile and computers, and the application of computers and Mobile for teaching and learning.

In conclusion, the training “Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching : M-learning and gamification ” was successfully conducted at TeSaU and the participants’ highly positive evaluation substantiated the benefits that the training yielded. The teachers expressed their readiness and willingness to implement this new approach in their teaching. The following recommendations were drawn:

  • It is important to regularly conduct such training courses for teachers
  • Training students in using the same software, e-platforms is essential. It will raise students’ motivation and expectations towards teaching courses



TT Course #4 “Video as a Tool for Teaching and Learning”

Trainers: Associate Prof. Shalva Tchkadua (TeSaU Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law, Department of Philosophy), Assistant Prof. Ana Gigauri (TeSaU Faculty of Humanities, Department of Foreign Language and Literature)

In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, a Teacher Training (TT) course “Video as a Tool for Teaching and Learning” was delivered by Shalva Tchkadua and Ana Gigauri at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU). The training was conducted two times. It took place from 1 March to 7 March, 2019. The training lasted for five days (2 hours per day).