In-House Online Trainings at Brest State Technical University
16 Apr 2021
Online TTs took place from the 2nd to the 28th of April at Brest State Technical University
The purpose of this Teacher-of-the-Trainer (TT) course is to provide learners with knowledge of basic online learning concepts and traditional classroom methods.
Currently it is extremely relevant, particularly due to the pandemic, the teacher's possession of innovative teaching methods, including distance learning skills. Distance learning is acquisition of education using the Internet and modern information and telecommunication technologies. It’s the area of communication, information and knowledge. Distance learning today makes it possible to create systems of mass continuous self-learning, general exchange of information, regardless of time and space zones. With distance learning, educational information is exchanged using modern means at a distance.
BrSTU teachers completed online training at leading European universities:
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium
- Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Spain
- Universidade do Porto (U.PORTO), Portugal
- Linkopings Universitet (LiU), Sweden
- FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ), Austria.
During the training, they studied online learning methodology and main directions of innovative teaching methods. Subsequently, they introduced 12 training courses at Brest State Technical University for the teaching staff.
The training took place on the ZOOM platform in a distance form. BrSTU teachers presented 3-day courses on the following topics:
Course title |
Trainer |
1. |
Empowering Online Teaching |
Pavel Kachurka |
2. |
Conceptual features of online learning |
Tatiana Shalabyta |
3. |
Online training in the system of additional education for adults
Iryna Hranik
4. |
Meaningful Online Learning: teaching, cognitive, social and emotional presence |
Prijmachuk Irina |
5. |
Designing Meaningful Online Learning |
Mikhalchuk Natallia |
6. |
The Features of Meaningful Online Learning |
Lysiuk Raisa |
7. |
Online active teaching & learning experiences with technology |
Andrei Prarouski |
8. |
Designing Meaningful Online Learning |
Maryia Tsukanava |
9. |
Online Teaching Revisited |
Natallia Chetyrbock |
10. |
Current trends in online education |
Maryia Tsukanava |
11. |
Online active teaching & learning Technology |
Olga Kavalevich |
12. |
Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching in on-line form |
Tatsiana Lisouskaya |
On April 14-28, 2021 three online sessions of Online Teacher Training “Empowering Online Teaching” dedicated to the challenges of online teaching were held by Dr. Pavel Kachurka, associate professor of Department of Intelligent Information Technology of Brest State Technical University. Dr. Pavel Kachurka presented his own experience in fighting online teaching challenges such as involving students into active discussions during online teaching sessions, preparation of online teaching tools (presentations, documents, videos, etc.).
The teacher training course entitled "Conceptual Features of Online Learning", which was conducted by Tatiana Shalabyta (Associate Professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of Concrete and Building Materials Technology at BrSTU), was held from April 12 to 22, 2021 at the UO BrSTU. The teacher training course entitled "Conceptual Features of Online Learning", which was conducted by Tatiana Shalabyta (Associate Professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Associate Professor of the Department of Concrete and Building Materials Technology at BrSTU), was held from April 12 to 22, 2021 at the BrSTU.
A three-day teacher training course «Online training in the system of additional education for adults» took place at the Institute of Professional Development and Retraining of Brest State Technical University. Iryna Hranik, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Finances, shared her knowledge and experience of online training received in the program Erasmus plus PRINTeL. Course attendants learnt most substantial advantages of online studying in the system of additional education for adults.
Irina Priymachuk, Senior Lecturer of Department of Accounting, analysis and audit, has presented On-host teacher training course “Meaningful Online Learning: teaching, cognitive, social and emotional presence” the innovative methods of using digital tools in online learning process to the colleagues. Her experience in the technology of creation of meaningful online learning was met with enthusiasm by audience because such knowledge offers additional opportunities for the academic staff professional development and promoting innovative Online Teaching and Learning.
Online teacher training course “DESIGNING MEANINGFUL ONLINE LEARNING” was held at Brest State Technical University on 22, 23, 26 April, 2021. It was conducted by trainer Natallia Mikhalchuk (Assistant of professor Department of Accounting, Analyses and Audit). The aim of this teacher training course (TT) is to improve the professional level of program participants in the field of designing online teaching and learning activities, providing teachers with the opportunity to acquire and develop relevant competencies in the field of designing, creating and applying online learning.
Online teacher training course “The Features of Meaningful Online Learning” was held at Brest State Technical University from 2 April till 7 April 2021. It was conducted by trainer Raisa Lysiuk (Assistant of professor Department of Accounting, Analyses and Audit). The role of innovative teaching methods and special tools used in learning, various digital applications and programs , the use of which makes learning more interesting, memorable and instructive for students was discussed the advantages and limitations of using these methods. Training participants independently tested the proposed methods, participated in discussions, and completed tasks using various applications.
A training course on “ONLINE ACTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING: experiences with technology” was held at the BrSTU Economic faculty starting from 8 to 22 April, 2021, by Andrei Prarouski, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project (TOT Course at University of Barcelona). 10 lecturers representing BrSTU Economic faculty attended the training. For online courses, a Google class was used. During the three-day intensive course, the importance and possibilities of active learning, the goals and ways of its implementation were discussed. Participants learned about the role and effectiveness of active learning in the learning process, the possibilities and methods of using a mobile device, as well as got acquainted with innovative teaching methods and special tools used in training.
Online teacher training course “CURRENT TRENDS IN ONLINE EDUCATION” was held by trainer Maryia Tsukanava at Brest State Technical University on 19, 20, 21 April, 2021. The aim of this teacher training course (TT) is to provide teachers with knowledges about basic concept of the Online Teaching and traditional classrooms methods. During the first day, the course work was focused on the discussion on current trends and future of online teaching and learning. During the second work day participants discussed online strategies to activate learning and enhance interactivity with the material and interaction with the learners.
Online teacher training course “Online Teaching Revisited” within ERASMUS + CBHE “PRINTeL” was held by trainer Natallia Chetyrboсk (Head of Management, Economics and Finance Department, Associate professor) at Brest State Technical University on April 13, 14, 15 2021. As a result of the training of teachers, an increase in the professional level of the program participants in the field of organizing online training was achieved, they acquired and developed the relevant competencies in the design, creation and application of online training.
Online teacher training course “Current trends in online education” was held by trainer Maryia Tsukanava at Brest State Technical University on 26, 27, 28 April, 2021. The aim of this teacher training course (TT) is to provide teachers with knowledges about basic concept of the Online Teaching and traditional classrooms methods. During the first day, the course work was focused on the discussion on current trends and future of online teaching and learning. During the second work day participants discussed online strategies to activate learning and enhance interactivity with the material and interaction with the learners.
Online teacher training course “Online active teaching & learning Technology” was held by trainer Olga Kovalevich at Brest State Technical University on 13, 20, 27 April, 2021. At the beginning of the meeting, the trainer spoke about the course, its goals, objectives, presented the course schedule. After that the participants introduced themselves, talked about their experience in the field of online learning, gave a few words about the goals and problems that they would like to solve within the framework of this course.
According to the program of the day trainer discussed what makes online teaching unique from face-to-face teaching, revealed best practices of online education. There was a discussion of students’ expectation of education and how teachers can contribute to their courses in order to make students involved and encouraged. There was made group summary. At the end of the course work was given a feedback.
The purpose of this Teacher-of-the-Trainer (TT) course is to provide learners with knowledge of basic online learning concepts and traditional classroom methods. An online course "Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching in on-line form" was held by head of the Department of Humanities, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Lisouskaya Tatsiana at the Brest State Technical University from 23 to 28 April at the Department of Humanities implemented within the framework of the project PRINTeL. The new digital, socio-cultural environment in which the teachers finds himself causes changes in the educational environment and the need to adjust the set of methods and goals of the pedagogical process. During the course, the teachers got acquainted with the PICRAT methodological model - a matrix for assessing the impact of technology on the student's activity and on the teacher's activity, received practical skills in using the PICRAT model for meaningful planning of educational tasks using ICT technologies.
Syllabi of the Trainings
Participants Lists
Feedback Evaluation