Online ToT Course of Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
22 Feb 2021
Three-day TOT Course of Universitat de Barcelona
In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project a three-day ToT course entitled Active Learning & ICT-Enhanced Teaching: M-learning & Gamification” was conducted by the teaching staff of the University of Barcelona on the 9th, 16th and 23rd of February, 2021. The online courses were held in the online medium in conformity with the accepted regulations regarding the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
The ToT course delivered by the teaching staff of UB was aimed at upgrading and reinforcing the participants’ knowledge in the implementation of m-learning & gamification in an online format, designing tasks with different mobile apps for active learning, desisgning digital breakout using gamification elements, as well as discussion on the specificities of elaboration of active learning format and sharing online teaching experiences during the current period of confinement.
Detailed information about ToT courses of UB and the learning materials are available on: