Monitoring Visit by NEO Georgia
15 Apr 2019
The monitoring of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project by the team of the National ERASMUS+ Office of Georgia at Ilia State University (ISU)
On the 14th of March, 2019, the National Erasmus+ Office of Georgia (NEO) conducted a monitoring visit of the PRINTeL project with the coordination of Ilia State University (ISU), at ISU.
The Coordinator of National Erasmus+ Office of Georgia (NEO), the representatives of the PRINTeL Project from ISU, the participants of Training of Trainers (TOT) courses as well as the representatives of Georgian Technical University were present at the meeting.
ISU representatives reported about the performed activities. The participants of the Training of Trainers (TOT) courses, which had been conducted at 5 EU Project partner universities in November-December 2018, shared their experiences with each other and the coordinator of Erasmus+ Office.
In the course of the meeting the financial manager of ISU international projects and the representatives from Georgian Technical University presented the activities performed by them within the frame of the Project.