Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning

to Enhance Student Learning Experience

in Eastern Partnership Countries

In-House Teacher Training (TT) Course at Brest State Technical University (BrSTU)

07 Feb 2019

Internal Teacher Training Courses

Within the frame of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project in February-March, 2019 an internal Teacher Training (TT) Course directed at retraining BrSTU teaching staff members is programmed to take place at Brest State Technical University (BrSTU).

The trainers of the TT Course from BrSTU who took part in the ToT (Training of Teachers) courses at 5 EU Project partner universities (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Universitat de Barcelona, Universidade do Porto, Linköpings Universitet, FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH) have designed training courses on teaching and learning in innovative methods for BrSTU teaching staff members and have planned to share with them all the experience they gained during the abovementioned ToT courses. 

The TT courses are going to be delivered by the 10 ToT courses participants from TeSaU and up to 100 BrSTU teaching staff members will undergo the TT course.  

During the course BrSTU lecturers are going to be trained in a number of fields related to innovative technology-enhanced teaching and learning.

To see the video of the TT courses delivered at BrSTU, please refer to:




TT Course #10 "Application of Active Learning in Technical Science"

Trainer: PhD, Associate Professor Volha Semianiuk (BrSTU Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Concrete Technology and Building Materials)

On May 10-15, 2019, a five-day teacher training (TT) course titled «Active Learning Application in Technical Science» was delivered to the academic staff of different departments of Civil Engineering Faculty of the Brest State Technical University by Volha Semianiuk, Associate Professor at the Department of Concrete Technology and Building Materials.


The knowledge and experience, that was gained by the TT course trainer after her participation in the TOT course held at KU Leuven (Belgium) within the frame of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, was introduced to and shared with BrSTU teaching staff members. The TTcourse conducted by Volha Semianiuk was based on the training course held at KU Leuven and moderated by the expert in the field of active learning – Wim Van Petegem.


Based on the theoretical course presented by Volha Semianiuk, the TT course participants structured their suggestions and visions on how to apply active learning methods in lectures and practical courses for students who study technical sciences.

At the final stage of the course, all of the participants made a general conclusion that active learning can improve studying process and active learning approaches are useful for making technical science more attractive for students, as well as for increasing the efficiency of studying process.


The knowledge attained during the TT course will be shared among other colleagues and it will be integrated into future courses delivered by the academic staff of the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Brest State Technical University.



TT Course #9  “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom”

Trainer: Associate professor, Alena Charnavokaya (BrSTU Faculty of Economics, Department of Intelligent Information Technologies)

Starting from February 28 to March 14, 2019 at the BrSTU Economic faculty a training course on “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom” was held by Alena Charnavokaya, a participant of "Erasmus+ PRINTeL" project (TOT Course at University of Linkoping).

10 lecturers/professors representing BrSTU Economic  faculty attended the training.


This training includes 5 lectures:

  1. The pedagogical development in digital world
  2. Active learning methods
  3. Technological support of active learning methods
  4. Welcome to a Flipped Classroom
  5. Creating an effective syllabus using the "Flipped Classroom".


Alena Charnavokaya presented topic about LiU and Didacticum, Course syllabus. She outlined the concept of active learning, its content characteristics, told about “Active learning classroom”: what is an ALC, designing teaching and learning activities in an ALC, presented topic “Introduction to Flipped Classroom”: definition of Flipped Learning, the four pillars of F-L-I-P, five steps to try flipped classroom.

Then there was presented the topics about Digital Pedagogical Competence, as well as Technology-Enhanced Teaching Self-Assessment Tool (TET-SAT) Developed as a part of the MENTEP project 2015-2018, financed by Erasmus+. Participants took part in the discussion on TET-SAT statements  using tool Mentimeter,  response system to collect initial reaction. They also worked in groups using a survey on-line system Padlet.