In-House Online Trainings at National Polytechnic University of Armenia
07 Apr 2021
Online TTs took place from the 7th to the 29th of April at National Polytechnic University of Armenia
A training course on “ONLINE ACTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING: experiences with technology” was held at NPUA faculty of Mining and Metallurgy from April 7 to 21, 2021, by Armen Hovhannisyan, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project.
The purpose of this online training course was to discussion of designing online class activities using available technologies and mobile devices to activate students learning.
During the three-day workshop the participants were introduced with different tools such as padlet, wooclap, genial.ly etc.Participants had the opportunity to do practical work with the presented online tools and apps by implementing m-learning and gamification in an online format.
A training course on “Video as a learning tool for remote emergency teachers and students” was held at NPUA faculty of Information Security and Software Engineering, by Ella Hovhannisyan, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project. Trainings days were held on 08 April- 22 April, 2021.
During three-day training the usefulness and the applicability of the video in the context of the classroom, the advantages and disadvantages of video lectures, the useful of videos in Video Lecture Capture and in flipped classrooms were discussed with practical examples. The participants learned the role and effectiveness of interactive learning in teaching and got acquainted with the innovative teaching and learning methods. During this training we used Microsoft Teams for Education: a platform enabling lectures, discussions that scale from one-on-one chat to larger group conversation.
The participants learned a simple Video Lecture Capture System, by using MS Power Point. As a result of this training participants made․
A training course on “ Designing Meaningful Online Learning” was held at NPUA faculty of Information Security and Software Engineering, by Shahen Gasparyan, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project. During three-day training 12 participants have been trained. Trainings days were held on 08 April- 22 April, 2021.
On the first day of the training we talked about cognitive presence. On the second day we talked about social presence. On the third day we talked about emotional presence.
The idea of considering students’ emotions in context of online or blended learning may seem absurd. There are numerous factors instructors consider when teaching online that would seem to take priority over students’ emotional state. The feelings of learners—their emotions can impact learning in online and blended environments, specifically motivation, self-regulation and academic achievement.
A training course on “ONLINE ACTIVE TEACHING & LEARNING: experiences with technology” was held at NPUA faculty of Mining and Metallurgy from April 8 to 22, 2021, by Hasmik Hovhannisyan, participant of "Erasmus+PRINTeL" project.
The purpose of this online training course was to discussion of designing online class activities using available technologies and mobile devices to activate students learning.
During the three-day workshop the participants were introduced with PICRAT model, different tools such as padlet, edpuzzle, digital escape room, etc.
Online training participants had the opportunity to have Practical work with presented tools and apps by implementing m-learning and gamification in an online format․
Hasmik Markosyan (participant of ERASMUS + PRINTeL project) conducted a nine-hour teacher training online course on "Active Training with a Special Focus on Enhanced Collaborative Technology Learning", which took place in 2021. April 19-21.
The aim of this online course was to share with the participants the knowledge and experience gained during the courses conducted by the lecturers of the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, to introduce them to some innovative ideas of online teaching, to highlight some digital support methods that will ensure the quality of teaching.
During the three-day workshop the participants were introduced to some ideas for the development of innovative online teaching courses, and number of methods for supporting modern digital technologies were introduced.
The course had a positive response and promises to be implemented in the future.
Despite the difficult situation caused by COVID-19, the nine-hour Teacher Training course entitled “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning”, was implemented by Kristina Khudaverdyan (participant of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project), took place on 9 - 23 April 2021 at NPUA.
The purpose of this online training course was to acquaint the participants with the training, namely representatives of the academic teaching staff with innovative teaching and learning based on the usage of the innovative methods of e-learning, innovative approaches and tools of teaching and learning which will ensure the quality of teaching and will increase student engagement in educational process.
All the training participants agreed on the integration of modern technologies into teaching processes in order to ensure the students’ competitiveness. Also, reinforcement of classrooms with response systems and interactive cloud tools were stated to be the necessary preconditions for implementing active learning.
During the three-day workshop the participants were introduced with fundamentals of e-learning, basic concepts, online learning approaches, project-based learning, etc.
In parallel with theoretical activities, several e-tools for Blended Learning and PBL were applied in practice by the participants.
The three-day training has received positive feedback from the participants. All the trained participants agreed on the integration of innovative technologies into teaching processes to ensure the high quality of teaching.
A nine-hour Teacher Training course entitled “Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning”, was implemented by Kristine Hambardzumyan (participant of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project), took place on 12 - 14 April 2021 at NPUA.
The main objective was to provide the target group with a specific expertise, which was gained during the online training course, conducted by lecturers at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the Belgium city of Leuven in Flanders.
During the three days workshops the participants were introduced some ideas on innovated course development for online teaching and highlighted several methods for electronic support of courses, etc. The methodology of “Active Learning with Special Focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning” implies replenishment of teaching with innovative methods and technologies of electronic learning, paid attention to teaching and learning competences required for developing and using electronically supported courses. Many topical issues were discussed including in-depth formative and summative assessment methods for online teaching.
The three-day training has received positive feedback from the participants.
Syllabi of the Trainings
Participants Lists
Feedback Evaluation