Adoption of Teacher Training Courses at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno
18 Jul 2020
Within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project YKSUG teaching staff attended the Teacher Trianing courses organized by trained lecturers at YKSUG. Due to the courses the teaching staff members acquired new methods of and upgraded their knowledge in innovative teaching and learning.
"University of Educational Innovations" is a general title for the training courses held for the YKSUG staff from September to December 2019. The course participants were taught the main tools of project activities, as well as the use of some innovative educational technologies during the classes.
The training was organized in several modules. The first one, called “Project Approach in Teaching Disciplines” was aimed at presenting to the participants the methodology of project idea generating, some requirements for project results designing and project management bases etc.
The second module got the participants acquainted with the new educational technologies, such as active learning, gamefication, video-lecturing implemented at YKSUG since the launching of PRINTeL project.
The third module was devoted to the “Mind-map technology for the developing of students educational projects”. The moderators presented their author’s methodology for organizing student project activities, as well as electronic resources that allow creating one’s own mind-maps.
During the final courses event the participants were given certificates by Gennady Gachko, Vice-rector for academic affairs and Marina Kolotsey, Head of the Academic Affairs Department.
Refer below for the timetable of YKSUG TSDC regular teacher training courses.