Adoption of Teacher Training Courses at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University
22 Jul 2020
Within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project TeSaU teaching staff attended the Teacher Trianing courses organized by trained lecturers at TeSaU. Due to the courses the teaching staff members acquired new methods of and upgraded their knowledge in innovative teaching and learning.
Internal Teacher Training Course #1 “Video as a Tool for Teaching and Learning”
Trainers: Associate Prof. Shalva Tchkadua, Assistant Prof. Ana Gigauri
In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, an online Teacher Training (TT) course “Video as a Tool for Teaching and Learning” was delivered by Shalva Tchkadua and Ana Gigauri. The training took place on 4 – 5 May, 2020. The training sessions lasted for two hours per day.
During the trainings 11 lecturers from Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU) were introduced to the pros and cons of using videos for teaching and learning purposes and tips for making high/good quality videos. Trainers also discussed the applications/sites that give us opportunity to create video/audio recordings.
The training was delivered through:
- Lectures and instructions
- Individual exercises
- Questions and answers
- Presentations
At the end of the training the trainees presented their own videos and expressed their opinion about how the acquired skills can be applied in their courses/lectures.
Internal Teacher Training Course #2 “Blended/hybrid learning E-portfolio”
Trainer: Associate Professor, Tamar Mikeladze
The training session took place on May 11, 2020. The title of the course was Blended/Hybrid learning. After the lockdown because of the global pandemic of Covid-19, the studies took place online forcing academic staff to transfer the courses in a virtual dimension and adjust the content accordingly. The training course was aimed to meet the current needs of the teachers. Thus, the course was designed to introduce the concept that could be helpful in online teaching: the concept of hybrid learning and E- portfolio. The trainer decided to conduct one day training as it was in virtual format. 11 people attended the training sessions: 6 invited teachers, 4 associate professors, and 3 professors.
The course included the following topics: - Blended learning, e-portfolio (using Google sites);
The training “Blended/hybrid learning-E-portfolio” was successfully conducted at TESAU and the participants’ highly positive evaluation substantiated the benefits that the training yielded. The teachers expressed their readiness and willingness to implement a new approach in their teaching.
Internal Teacher Training Course #3 “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom”
Trainer: Prof. Ia Jimshitashvili
In the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project, a Teacher Training (TT) course “Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom” was delivered by Ia Jimshitashvili Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU). It took place 7, 8 May , 2020. The training lasted for two days (2 hours per day).
During the trainings 12 lecturers from different Faculties of the University were introduced Active learning Concept, the Flipped Classroom Approach and how to make Video and Audio Material for Power Point slides; also, how to convert a traditional lecture to a recorded lecture. Trainers also discussed the how to plan group-based problem-solving lectures.
The training was delivered on-line through:
- Lectures and instructions
- Individual exercises
- Questions and answers
- Presentations
Besides the individual assignments, at the end of the training the trainees expressed their opinion about how the acquired skills can be applied in their courses/lectures.
Internal Teacher Training Course # 4 “Active Learning: Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning”
Trainer: Assistant Professor, Nino Dzamukashvili (TESAU, Faculty of Humanities, Depart. Of Foreign Languages and Literature)
“Active learning: Technolgy Enhanced Collaborative Learning”, 2-day-training course has been recently (May 13 and 14, 2020) attended by 9 lecturers from different departments of 4 faculties (Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law) at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University. The trainer was Ms. Nino Dzamukashvili who attended the training session with the same title in Leuven, Belgium at KU Leuven in November 2018.
The trainees were introduced to the innovative methodology of active learning, both on theoretical and practical levels. They were encouraged to apply TPACK, ADDIE and SMART models to practice while re-designing and re-thinking their existing courses. The participants were divided into three groups for training tasks thus illustrating the model of collaborative learning themselves.
Proceeding from the current circumstances of pandemic Covid-19, the training was conducted on-line. Nevertheless, the participants became familiar with a number of types of group work, Jigsaw, Think-pair-Share, to name a few. The trainees especially liked Mentimeter, the online tool that was tested on the spot. They saw the multiple usage possibilities of the innovative tool in their practice. All along the training course, the trainees weighed the pros and cons of technology enhanced collaborative learning with special consideration to the fact that Innovative Pedagogy enhanced modern technologies turned out to be the most necessary and irreplaceable tool and methodology at the time of pandemic.
At the end of the TT course, all the participants presented their curricula, re-designed and modified with the newly acquired knowledge of active learning methodology and activities.
Refer below for the timetable of TeSaU TSDC regular teacher training courses.