Monitoring Visit by NEO Belarus
26 Oct 2018
The monitoring of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project by the team of the National ERASMUS+ Office of Belarus at Belarusian State University (BSU)
On the 26th of October, 2018 the monitoring of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project took place at Belarusian state University (BSU). The monitoring was conducted by the team of the National ERASMUS+ Office (NEO) of Belarus – the head of the office Elena Belanovich, the experts Katerina Minyukovich and Olga Sinyavskaya.
For more information, please, refer to: http://didact.bsu.by/item/erasmus_printel_26okt, http://erasmus-plus.belarus.unibel.by/main.aspx?guid=2191&detail=13193