PRINTeL Partners' Meetings
27 Feb 2019
Internal Meetings of the PRINTeL Partners
Yanka Kupala University of Grodno (YKSUG)
A dispatch class of teaching skills development programme “University of Educational Innovations: theory, methods and practice of contemporary education” has taken place at Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno.
The distinctive feature of the programme is the innovative character of the teaching content, organization and form of presentation. The aim of the programme is to assist university, college and school teachers in searching for new effective methods in subject organization, presentation and content with the usage of innovative educational technologies.
The programme consists of five educational blocks each covering one active learning educational technology: technology enhanced collaborative learning, M-learning, video lecturing and gamification, flipped and hybrid learning.
The moderators of the programme are the university teachers, the participants of the project “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries (PRINTeL)”. The moderators took part in the training courses held at Joanneum University of Applied Science in Graz (Austria), University of Porto (Portugal), Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium), Linköping University (Sweden) and University of Barcelona (Spain). Not only do they apply innovative technologies in their teaching nowadays, they also share their knowledge and expertise with their colleagues.
At the first dispatch meeting the moderators presented their modules to the course participants.
Henadzi Hachko, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, wished the participants active and fruitful work. He pointed out that the activity-based courses would result in lesson plans of the participants and new experience of innovative educational activity.
Belarusian State University (BSU)
On 21 February 2019 a meeting with TT course trainers was summoned at Belarusian State University (BSU). In course of the meeting the issues concerning the organization, dates, procedures and other details relating to the training events were discussed.
The TT courses to be delivered by BSU trainers (participants of the Training of Trainers (TOT) Courses) are programmed to be held at BSU in March, 2019.
Overview of Teachers Training (TT) Courses at National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
Working Meeting on Internal Teacher Training (TT) Courses
On January 30, 2019 at the meeting of the Rectorate of NPUA, the reports of the teachers on the results of retraining in the framework of the project "ERASMUS+ PRINTEL" in a number of European partner universities were considered. At the meeting, which was presided over by the Rector of NPUA Professor V. Z. Marukhyan, the working group of the project "ERASMUS+ PRINTEL also participated.
In the course of the meeting, the project coordinator from the NPUA, Vice-rector R. Aghashyan presented the main objectives of the project and the criteria for the selection of teachers to participate in short-term training courses in European partner universities.
Afterwards the teachers presented the features of the retraining courses, emphasizing the expediency and prospects for the application of new technologies in NPUA.
In particular K. Khudaverdyan presented the work done on the basis of educational electronic platform within the subject of “Hybrid/blended teaching and learning” at FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ). Tools for developing online learning materials, the group projects, and online-portfolios to support students’ reflection processes were also introduced.
A. Abramyan reported about TPACK, ADDIE, and SWOT specific models on the course of "Active learning", SMART formulation of Learning Objectives, and advances in Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. The training took place in KU Leuven, Belgium.
Mary Ghazaryan described the Lightboard model, which was presented at the University of Linkoping (Sweden) on the subject of «ACTIVE LEARNING» and its application in the process of active learning, the process of SMART formulation of the Learning Objectives, advances in Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy, Flipped Classroom teaching method.
Ella Hovhannisyan presented the training outcomes of the lectures and practical classes on the course of “Video as a Teaching and Learning Tool for Teachers and Students” that was introduced at the University of Porto and presented in detail the Panopto applied software package that functions as a Video Platform for Higher Education.
Armen Hovhannisyan presented information on the course of «Active Learning and ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning and gamification» that had been introduced at the University of Barcelona. The course covered such topics as active learning interaction Tools: sli.do, Poll Everywhere, Mentimeter, as well as digital Infographics in active learning and basic concepts of gamification.
All the presentations were accompanied by active discussions, during which the importance of localization of programs, dissemination and application of the acquired experience were emphasized. Special appreciation was expressed to the participants for the work they managed to complete.
Summing up presentations and discussions which lasted about two hours Rector of NPUA Professor V. Marukhyan proposed to supplement the mandatory programmes division of the Continuing Education and Faculty Development Centre with new course "Modern teaching technologies", which will be based on the materials developed by teachers trained in the framework of the "ERASMUS + PRINTEL" project. The proposal was admitted unanimously.
Georgian Technical University (GTU)
II Working Meeting on Internal Teacher Training (TT) Courses
Within the frameworks of Erasmus+ PRINTeL project at GTU International Relations and Standards Office the second working meeting related to the organization of internal Teacher Training (TT) courses was conducted on January 30.
The participants of the meeting made presentations, shared knowledge and experience gained from the Training of Trainers (TOT) courses undertaken at the Project EU partner universities.
In the course of the meeting it was decided that TT course syllabi in Georgian and in English will be finalized by February 10 and the corresponding timetables will be determined by the next meeting that is planned on February 6 at GTU International Relations and Standards Office.
Participants of the meeting discussed the requirements for the participation in internal TT courses (such as knowledge of the English language – min. B1 level, knowledge of Power Point programme, smartphones and laptops, etc.).
The issue concerning the creation of the demo version of Moodle learning platform (with domain - DlfP.gtu.ge) for the internal TT courses for GTU Professor-teachers was also considered during the meeting.
It should be mentioned, that the questions relating to the opportunity of developing several training courses based on the upcoming internal TT courses materials in order to conduct further training courses and hence to maintain sustainability of the activities implemented within the PRINTeL project were examined in the course of the meeting, as well.
For more information, please, refer to the links below:
Georgian Technical University (GTU)
On January 24, 2019 at GTU International Relations and Standards Office the first official working meeting about organization of internal Teacher Training (TT) courses at GTU within Erasmus+ project PRINTeL was conducted.
According to the activities defined within the PRINTeL project, in order to increase the quality of academic teaching, it’s planned to maintain professional development opportunities for GTU academic personnel in spring, 2019 (February-March) in order to provide them with an opportunity to master the innovative techniques of teaching and learning, which in turn will facilitate further improvement of the learning outcomes at Georgian Technical University.
The meeting was attended by GTU Professors and teachers, who successfully passed the competition within the PRINTeL project and in November-December, 2018, participated in 5-day training course of Training of Trainers (TOT) offered by PRINTeL project European partners and undertook appropriate training in Graz, Leuven, Porto, Linkopings and Barcelona Universities. Consequently, the obligation undertaken by the project includes high level of knowledge and experience sharing to colleagues, which, in turn, requires joint planning of these responsible events and then their efficient implementation.
At the meeting the issues related to the presentations of undertaken ToT courses (ToT course feedback); Syllabus preparation; Determining the timeline; Needs and other organizational matters for internal TT courses at GTU were discussed.
For more information, please, follow the links below:
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University (TeSaU)
On the 23rd of January, 2019 within the framework of PRINTeL Project a reporting meeting was held at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University.
Under the abovementioned project, TeSaU professor-teachers, who had been trained at leading universities of Europe, made reports about the knowledge and experience gained abroad to the University Rector, Vice Rectors, Head of Administration and other administrative assistants. Telavi State University professors will share their experience with TeSaU professor-teachers as well. They will conduct trainings in February-March 2019.
Academic and administrative staff development center will be established at TeSaU under the PRINTeL Project that is aimed at the promotion of modern teaching methods, application of different educational resources and modern technologies.
For more information, please, refer to: http://tesau.edu.ge/en/siaxleebi1/1433-universitetis-profesormastsavlebelta-gadamzadeba-stsavlebis-inovaciur-metodebshiproeqtis-PRINTEL--saangarisho-shexvedra-tesaushi.html,
Brest State Technical University (BrSTU)
On the 15th of January, 2019 a meeting of Brest State Technical University (BrSTU) work group on implementation of the international PRINTeL Project was summoned.
The issues of modern educational methods, which were presented to the members of BrSTU work group by leading European universities in the autumn of 2018, as well as the possibilities of implementation of educational methods in BrSTU were discussed in the course of the meeting. As a result of the meeting discussions further steps for the implementation of TOT courses in the educational process of BrSTU were worked out.
YSU Lecturers' After-Action Review on the Training of Trainers Courses Conducted at the EU Partner Universities
On the 20th of December, 2018 a meeting took place at Yerevan State University, with participation of the YSU Rector Prof. A. Simonyan, Vice-rectors on Academic Affairs A. Grigoryan and on Scientific Policy & International Cooperation G. Gevorgyan, the PRINTeL management team, YSU academic administration and the 16 YSU teaching staff members who participated in the TOT courses.
The Rector greeted all the TOT participants and expressed his interest in the participants’ impressions/opinions, their overall appraisal of the trainings and their effectiveness, as well as participants’ opinions, projections and plans regarding the possibilities and modes of application of the TOT courses’ results at YSU.
All the TOT participants expressed their gratitude for taking part in the trainings and each member of the 5 groups of participants presented the lessons learned during the courses and the possibilities of their implementation in both the training of the colleague lecturers in January-March 2019 and further application in their teaching practice with students.
You can find more information about this meeting by referring to:
VSU Lecturers' Review on the Application of the Experience Gained from the Training of Trainers Courses
On November 12-16, 2018 in the context of ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project a number of professors of Vanadzor State University passed the Training of Trainers (TOT) courses at the following universities: Linköpings Universitet (Sweden), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Universidade do Porto (Portugal) and Universitat de Barcelona.
The professors, who were awarded with certificates on the completion of the TOT courses aimed at the provision of the education consistent with contemporary and effective teaching methods, are going to share their experience with their colleagues by training them at VSU.
During the meeting with VSU Administrative Staff, the trained professionals presented their experience gained abroad and the opportunities and problems of its application at VSU. In collaboration with the Educational-Methodological Department they have discussed current challenges and outlined solutions to them.
For more information, please, refer to:
Georgian Technical University (GTU)
On 31 October, 2018 within the Erasmus+ PRINTeL Project a working meeting organized by GTU International Relations and Standards Office was conducted at GTU Innovations Center.
The meeting related to the organizational issues of ToT courses to be conducted within PRINTeL Project for GTU Professor-teachers. The representatives of International Relations and Standards Office and teaching staff members, who were selected within the Call for TOT courses, attended the organizational meeting.
As a result of the Call selection, 11 selected instructors from GTU will be trained within the frame of the programme in November-December 2018.
At the meeting Prof. Otar Zumburidze, Head of International Relations and Standards Office talked about the importance of such trainings for encouraging innovative teaching and learning methods at GTU and once again pointed out selected instructors’ commitments to undertake a five-day in-house training course (10 hours in total) for at least 10 GTU lecturers/teaching staff members within 3 months’ period after the completion of TOT training course.
The representatives of the Office gave general presentation about PRINTeL Project and its objectives as well as planned activities to ensure expected outcomes. They discussed practical details and arrangements related to upcoming TOT courses with selected candidates and answered the questions in which the meeting participants were interested.
FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (FHJ)
The preparatory work for the PRINTeL “Training of Trainers” course (5-9 November 2018) at FH JOANNEUM is in progress. The selected 20 teachers and heads of departments from universities of Georgia, Armenia and Belarus will attend 5-day intensive training course on “Hybrid/Blended Teaching and Learning”, coordinated by FH JOANNEUM (Department of International Management & ZML) in order to apply the gained knowledge and skills in their teaching practice.
Brest State University (BrSTU)
In the frameworks of ERASMUS+ CBHE PRINTeL project the ToT Candidates selection committee of Brest State University (BrSTU) announced a competition for participation in 5-day training courses that are going to be held at 5 Project partner universities (FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ),Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven),Universidade do Porto (U. Porto),Linkopings Universitet (LiU), Universitat de Barcelona (UB). More than 50 BrSTU teachers were interseted in the competition. After the completion of candidates selection the BrSTU selection committee enrolled 10 out of 20 candidates in the main list of ToT courses participants. The number of ToT candidates included teachers and heads of departments of BrSTU.
The selection process underwent 2 stages:
- completion of questionnaires, designed to check candidates’ eligibility to participate in the ToT courses,
- interview organized by the selection committee.
The selected ToT participants signed a cooperation agreement with the BrSTU PRINTeL project coordinator.
Ilia State University (ISU)
Within the framework of ERASMUS+ CBHE PRINTeL project a 5-day intensive training of trainers (TOT) is envisioned for Ilia State University (ISU) trainer/lecturers. 15 ISU academic personnel will be trained to enhance the innovative and technological methods of teaching, which will then be transferred to at least 10 colleagues of Ilia State University.
ISU announced the open university-wide call on August 10 (deadline September 10), 2018 to select trainees to be the potential academic staff development trainers at ISU Teaching Staff Development Center (TSDC). 23 applications were received from 4 ISU schools. The selection of the TOT candidates has been carried out on a competitive basis by the special selection committee through assessing the credentials of the applicants and administering interviews with all candidates. The selection committee included ISU Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, Head of the Office of Human Resources, Head of Development Office Head/Project Coordinator, Quality Assurance Contact Points from each ISU School, and Education School field expert. 15 candidates were selected including 5 from the School of Arts and Sciences, 6 from the Business School, 2 from the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, and 2 from the School of Law.
Belarusian State University (BSU)
The ToT candidates selection committee of Belarusian State University (BSU) registered 25 applications received from BSU teachers and working staff members. The main criteria considered during the selection were knowledge of a foreign language, competence in informational technologies and motivation. The members of the committee selected 15 teachers who would pass training-seminars on using innovative educational technologies in learning and teaching. The BSU teachers and working staff members who were not included in the main list of project participants were involved in the reserve list.
The trainings will be held in November-December 2018 in the following host universities:
- FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ),
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven),
- Universidade do Porto (U. Porto),
- Linkopings Universitet (LiU),
- Universitat de Barcelona (UB).
For the purposes of the participants’ preparation for the trainings an organization meeting was summoned on the 27th of September, 2018. The BSU teachers got introduced with the structure of upcoming events, received recommendations concerning the preparation of necessary documents and had the opportunity to ask the questions they are interested in.
13 September 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
On the 13th of September, 2018 in the frameworks of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project a meeting of YSU Work group created for the development and further implementation of the operational plan for the reconstruction of Teacher Training Centre was summoned. The main subject of discussion on the agenda of the meeting concerned the activities carried out in the scope of the operational plan for the reconstruction of Teacher Training Centre. The members of the group made their suggestions. Based on the presented suggestions and discussions YSU Work group determined the structure of the reorganization programme of the YSU Teaching staff improvement system. It was decided that the members of the Work group will present their own suggestions and observations referring to the content of the programme at the next meeting.
10 September 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
On the 10th of September, 2018 in YSU Academic Council Hall A. Grigoryan, Vice-Rector on Educational Affairs, and the management team of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project – Head of the Project A. Budaghyan and Coordinator M. Santurjyan, had a meeting with the 16 lecturers who won the training competition of lecturers within the frame of PRINTeL project and are going to be trained in five EU partner universities of the Project.
A. Grigoryan and A. Budaghyan congratulated the participants. They particularly emphasized, that the YSU administration highlights the importance of the training of the selected lecturers as well as their further work with their colleagues and students.
The lecturers expressed their gratitude to the management team of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project for such an opportunity, and expressed their willingness to share the acquired knowledge and experience with their colleagues and make the process continuous.
A number of preparatory and organizational issues concerning the trainings were also discussed during the meeting.
3-5 September 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
Within the frame of the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries”, in November-December, 2018, a 5-day intensive (accelerated) teacher training course involving YSU lecturers is programmed to be realized at project partner EU universities: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universidade do Porto (U. Porto), Linkopings Universitet (LiU), and FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ).
The main objective of the project is to prepare trainers who will be proficient in innovative and technology-enhanced modern teaching and learning and will spread the gained experience at YSU. It is programmed to prepare up to 16 trainers.
For this purpose an announcement informing about the training programme details and objectives was sent to the members of YSU teaching staff in July, 2018. The requirements for the candidates and the criteria of the competition were outlined therein, and it was indicated that the selection would be carried out on a competitive basis from the side of the corresponding committee.
Around 71 YSU lecturers responded to the announcement.
One of the requirements of the competition was testing of IT skills that was carried out on the 3rd of September, 2018 at the Central computer hall of YSU.
Afterwards on the 4th and 5th of September, 2018, interviews with the candidates were held and in result the 16 lecturers who are going to be trained at EU project partner universities were selected.
27 July 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
A working meeting between the representatives of Yerevan State University and National Polytechnic University of Armenian was summoned with the objective of determination of the types of equipment envisaged for the ERASMUS+ PRINTeL project.
It is planned to create active teaching auditoriums and studios of media course preparation in the 9 partner universities.
23 July 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
Yerevan State University (YSU) work team met on 23 July 2018 for the discussion of YSU criteria for the selection of trainees for teacher training courses (ToT) to be held in November-December 2018 in five EU PRINTeL project universities - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Universitat de Barcelona (UB), Universidade do Porto (U. Porto), Linkopings Universitet (LiU), and FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH (FHJ).
It was decided to elaborate and disseminate the criteria among YSU potential candidates by the end of July and to plan YSU Work Team 4 (WT4) activities on development of the new YSU Teaching Staff Development Centre (TSDC) operational plan which is due to be completed by 15 October 2018.
17 July 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
YSU hosted a working meeting within the frame of the ERASMUS+ CBHE PRINTeL Project funded by the European Union. YSU Vice-rector for Academic Affairs A. Grigoryan, head of the PRINTeL Project, director of YSU Quality Assurance Centre A. Budaghyan, head of the Postgraduate Supplementary Education Department Zh. Aghasyan, head of the Teaching Staff Professional Development Centre of the same department A. Khachatryan, institutional coordinator of the PRINTeL Project, lead specialist at YSU Quality Assurance Center M. Santurjyan, scientific secretary, associate professor in the Chair of Political Institutions and Processes M. Soghomonyan, director of the laboratory of new teaching technologies of the IT Education and Research Centre A. Avagyan participated in the meeting.
The main issue on the agenda of the Work Group meeting was the development of the operational plan for the reconstruction of the Teacher Training Centre. The Work Group members informed that they had already studied the Best Practices Reports of the PRINTeL Project partner European universities and had certain suggestions on the reconstruction plan of the YSU Teacher Training Centre. YSU Vice-rector A. Grigoryan remarked that this plan should emerge from the YSU Strategic Development Plan (2016-2020). Head of the PRINTeL Project A. Budaghyan suggested forming a work group that would be responsible for the development of the operational plan for the reconstruction of Teacher Training Centre and its further application. Following the discussions of the meeting it was decided to elect YSU Vice-rector for Academic Affairs A. Grigorian as the head of the Work Group. The present participants of the meeting were elected as the members of the Work Group. Additionally, it was decided to study the practices of other European universities as well and to work out certain suggestions concerning the operational plan for the reconstruction of YSU Teacher Training Centre.
13 July 2018, Telavi Iakob Gogebashvili State University (TeSaU)
On the 13th of July, 2018 at Telavi State University (TeSaU) a meeting was held with TeSaU students and academic staff in the frame of International ERASMUS+ Project “Change in Classroom: Promoting Innovative Teaching & Learning to Enhance Student Learning Experience in Eastern Partnership Countries”. Participants of the meeting filled out the questionnaires about the methods used in teaching and learning processes. The questionnaires were translated in Georgian by TeSaU PRINTeL team and all the questions were discussed in details.
Students and professors have expressed their opinions about teaching and learning methods established at the university. As a result of the questionnaires analysis the topic of the future trainings will be presented by the Project partner European universities for TeSaU staff and students.
24 May 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
NPUA held the meeting with the Armenian team of Work Group 2. The subjects of discussions conducted at the meeting included the structure of the Need Analysis Report, overall observations concerning the generalization at national level.
As a result of the meeting discussions it was decided that national coordinating universities will present the needs of their universities.
10 May 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
NPUA hosted a meeting with the Armenian team of Work Group 2 for the discussion on summarizing the results of teachers and students surveys. The WG2 discussed also the format of presenting the results of the 2 surveys.
It was decided to develop the sample of the Survey Result Report.
09 April 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
Armenian members of PRINTeL Project Work Group 3 held a discussion on the finalization of the comments and suggestions of PC HEIs on “Student learning needs assessment” and "Teaching staff professional development needs assessment" surveys.
The Work Group also discussed the ways for the best organization of the work with partner HEIs.
05 April 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
Armenian members of PRINTeL Project Work Group 3 had a meeting in YSU for discussing the Development of TOR for VATL Portal issues.
23 March 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
NPUA work group presented the Questionnaire targeted on students after the changes discussed during previous meeting to the Project Coordinator Armen Budaghyan and Assistant Coordinator Mari Santurjyan.
The Questionnaire was finalized and it was decided to send it to all partner universities involved in the work groups for comments and suggestions.
13 March 2018, Yerevan State University (YSU)
On the 13th of March, 2018 YSU welcomed NPUA representatives for discussing the prepared questionnaires for ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project.
Project Coordinator A. Budaghyan and Assistant Coordinator M. Santurjyan presented their suggestions and a decision was made to make changes in the questionnaires based on the suggestions. After the changes the questionnaires should have been presented to further discussion.
02 March 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
NPUA hosted the third meeting with ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator on the 2nd of March 2018. The discussion was based on 3 questionnaires targeted on students, teachers and the administrative staff developed by the NPUA work group and their main parts.
NPUA and YSU representatives observed also similar international questionnaires.
07 February 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
On the 7th of February, 2018 the second meeting of NPUA and YSU representatives was held. The discussion was based on the development and types of the Questionnaire. The meeting was also dedicated to the determination of target groups for the Questionnaire.
22 January 2018, National Polytechnic University of Armenia (NPUA)
On the 22th of January, 2018 NPUA hosted ERASMUS+ PRINTeL Project Coordinator Armen Budaghyan and Assistant Coordinator Mari Santurjyan. The meeting was dedicated to the detailed activities of Work Package 1 (WP1) and the formation of work groups.
The Vice-Rector of NPUA Ruben Aghgashyan spoke on the composition of work groups, discussed the division and organization of work.