Online Trainings of Consortium Member PC Universities Teaching Staff
15 Mar 2021
The online trainings for the trainers and teachers of the PC universities are going to take place in February 2021.
Within the frames of PRINTeL Project in February 2021 it is foreseen to conduct online training of teachers and trainers from the Project partner HEIs on distant application of 5 innovative and interactive methods of Teaching and Learning.
Refer below for the information on the timetable and the programmes:
Timetable of the Online Trainings
- Active Learning with special focus on Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning by Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (training materials)
- Active learning & ICT-enhanced teaching: M-learning & gamification by Universitat de Barcelona
- Video as a Learning tool for teachers & students: Video Lecturing & promoting Interaction in the Classroom by Universidade do Porto
- Active Learning in the Flipped Classroom by Linkopings Universitet
- Hybrid/Blended Teaching & Learning by FH Joanneum Gesellschaft mbH